Thursday, September 13, 2007

One of my favorite things about having a blog named after a household appliance is that I get a lot of hits from people searching for dehumidifiers I guess for their basements or other damp areas. I know this because occasionally I check my referring stats and what appears to happen is they think "I know where I can find a dehumidifier - it's behind this link that reads 'dudes, form a line to my right for high fives'", like my blog is a place where they can comparison shop for the best price. Too bad, kids, all you're going to get is my stream of conciousness ramblings on postmodern ennui and various sandwiches that I enjoy.
That being said, I also notice the occsional referring blog that has me listed as a link, blogs that I have never read. But I would like to! I need as much distraction as possible at work. So if you have listed me as a link, please let me know in the comments, so I can reciprocate.

Last night I went to Tao and now I'm sleepy as hell. On the plus side, I now know where you can go to wallow in douchebaggery like it's a ball pit in the burger king kids play area. And knowing is half the battle.

The other half involves swords.