Saturday, September 27, 2003

I went ahead and added some links to blogs I read semi-regularly. I don't actually know any of these people (except for blogaventure, who I've seen walk through the room SEVERAL times, and has a car that will someday fly), but there you go. Soon I will probably be attempting to add you cats to friendster. (I WILL beat Jal!!!...maniacal laughter) I also added Plane Rep, which is a promotions company (group? co-op? commune?) run by my friend Carrie. Her job is so much cooler than mine. Wow, I need to stay far away from the computer when I'm messed up. Luckily the existance of this blog is keeping me from sending friendster messages to ex-boyfriends. Ill-advised, my friends. Ill-advised. I really do want to know what's with the make-up. Because it's just plain scary is what it is. Is what it is.
On the positive side, I did get two modeling gigs today. That almost never happens. And by almost I mean never.
Alright, off to Jackie's birthday party. I love dancing.
Oh, and sorry about any friendster testamonials written in or within the surrounding hours.