Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Man, I wish Cosby Time, a Cosby Show-related blog, updated more often. Also, I wish there were more Cosby Show-related blogs. Also. ALSO. Designing Women is coming to DVD. Here is my suggestion for the cover art for Season One:

p.s. I got that picture from a review of "Mannequin" which contains the following sentence: "Mannequin stars a white-hot Andrew McCarthy..." Well. Ok. But he's no "Rob Lowe playing rock saxophone" white-hot:

I think I've veered off-topic. Back to Cosby Time. Here are some excerpts:

This episode is terrible because it has both Olivia (VOMIT) and Rudy with her adult teeth (DISGUSTING). Oddly, the only good part is watching Cliff have a tapdanceoff with some old man that is some famous old Vaudevillian tapdancer except he is distracting because he appears to have no teeth and only screams one phrase at the top of his lungs “CHALLLUNGE!”

Claire is off at Hillman, probably giving some lecture on the direct correlation between the expensiveness of clip-on earrings and increased perceptions of intelligence and power by your peers. Meanwhile, Cliff has decided to dump Rudy off on his parents for a slumber party where they decide the best way to spend the evening is to dress her in 1940’s evening wear and teach her outdated jive lingo. Denise invites Vanessa to go hang in the Village with her and her NYU friends but insists they have to ‘dress funky’ to fit in which in 1985 apparently translates loosely into dressing like androgynous Depression-era newsies.

Right? Right.