Thursday, April 16, 2009

Like a tunnel under peaceful fire, I will lay you up.

Here's something to tide you over until I get around to liveblogging the movie "Twilight", when I watch it, whenever it arrives in my mailbox via netflix. I know nothing about the movie, having never read the book or had much of a desire to see the movie. But I've been wanting to liveblog something for awhile, and hey. It's as good a choice as the next thing. I guess. And this is all provided no one steals my mail, which I've always had a vague paranoia about:

It's part two of my two-part "Springtime on Hawthorne" series. Long time readers will (not) remember part one.

Here's something else:

Other things that I have been impressed with in the last week or two or so are the David Foster Wallace short story "Girl With Curious Hair" (the story, not the compilation, though that's good too), sewing shirts from the vintage patterns my mom brought from home, and pudding*.

Oh, and last week I had my wisdom teeth out. It made for a sinister, bloody smile. And a lot of television watching.

*I'm so fucking sick of pudding, you guys.