I just heard a channel two action news correspondent on the scene at (random polling place) say:
"I haven't seen lines this long since the Stones show."
Oh yeah. You are hip, mister. When you cut to that weather sponsored by MacDonalds I'm-loving-it, I know that you are doing it with style.
Lovely. ABC News just said Georgia went Republican. Well that makes me feel completely disenfranchised. I'm suddenly really really angry at the electoral college. Oh well.
This state is filled with complete idiots. I would have said apathy, but let's face it- most people I know who voted Republican know jack shit about the issues.
Every time they project a state as red it makes me want to crawl under the covers and sleep. For, like, four years.
Oh, and I have no car until Friday or Saturday. I need rides, and how!
I fucking love this country.
I think my landlord just burned the popcorn.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Tuesday, November 02, 2004