Oh, I almost forgot.
This morning I found myself sitting in the lounge area (two chairs and a table, all plastic) of Maaco, waiting to retrieve my refurbished Saab, as it does happen when one leaves their Saab at a Maaco for the purpose of refurbishment.* Whilst deeply entangled in last month's People magazine, catching up on any sudden Olsen spawnings and Nicole Kidman's footwear preferences^, I happened to overhear a couple dropping off their car for one or another furbish. Though I have no real context other than the fact that it probably had something to do with their automobile, most likely the one they were dropping off, I heard the following:
"Yeah, that one. Electron blue."
Whoa. I wanted to demand my car be electron blue. It would know where to run where, and hell I don't even know half the time to tell the truth.
Unfortunately I didn't want to be carless for another week, so I took my white shiny hood and white dirty rest of car home safe and sound.
That's all.
*I liked the double A brotherhood aspect.
^shoes, mostly.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Saturday, November 06, 2004