Saturday, June 10, 2006

Well. I had to be at the Palms this morning at 5am for another goddamn photoshoot in which I stood around and took up unnecessary space. So I didn't do anything last night other than fall asleep with the Gilmore Girls season 2 dvd blaring on my television set. So that was last night. Tonight I went at the very last second to go see Senate minority leader Harry Reid speak at the convention at the Riviera. He may run for president. A lot of people may run for president or so I hear. I'm remarkably underinformed, despite my subsciption to time and incessant NPR listening.
So yeah. Harry Reid. Wait, excuse me. "Give em Hell" Harry and 1000 democrats with something to yell about.

Ok I am going to sleep now because I have been awake since 4am.