Thursday, September 21, 2006

The best ponderence I have read so far this morning comes directly from the oceanchum blog-what would happen if i applied head-on directly to another part of my body?

I imagine the results would be feeding-gizmo-after-midnight bad. I mean there has to be a reason they say APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD 80 times in the commercial. That's lawsuit prevention right there, folks.

Last night I went to a going away party to which the person going away never showed up. It was beyond rude on his part, but I can't say I was angry or anything because it did give me the opportunity to watch The Biggest Loser with an actual contestant who was on the show. And also, to eat fried cheese sticks while watching The Biggest Loser with an actual contestant from the show. Aah, vegas you never fail to amaze me you wacky city you.
After two thirteen hour work days I figured ok I am going to sleep in another fifteen minutes this morning. I called erin from the interstate and she answered the phone with "oh shit you just woke me up." Punctuality= not our team's forte. Our team's forte lies somewhere closer to the land of cute hair and sarcasm. Tonight I plan to work out like nuts and then watch television. Normal nights! I love them.
My debit card has not yet come in the mail. I have five dollars left in my wallet, four of which are going to cigarettes.