I spent a large portion of Saturday afternoon reading up on quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, on Hume, structuralism and numbers that do not exist. I would like to know as much as possible about as much as possible, and wish I had degrees in philosphy and physics for the purpose of this possible. Alliteration, anyone?
Let's see. It all started with an attempt to write something for Lick, but unfortunately I always tend to gravitate towards absurd science rather than sexual indiscretion. And noble gases (despite being the most masturbatory of the periodic table) aren't exactly guaranteed to bring in the horny male cosmo-cover demographic.
Maybe I'm too getting old for topics like what I do that makes my mother unhappy (leaving the office, basically). Not to worry, I am still working on my story about meiosis. Which is guaranteed a spot on the cover. Of my mind.
Which is what started the entire foray into the sciences.
Meiosis, that is. I like the word "telophase 2."
Did you know there are numbers that only exist in the 4th dimension? Man, I really need to visit this 4th dimension. What? What was that? I'm already in it?
I'm moving through it right now? And minutes don't actually exist?
I wish I were having imaginary conversations with Einstein instead of just a truck stop prostitute trying to pass himself off as Einstein.
Monday, February 09, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Monday, February 09, 2004