I start making a list of things I have run out of. I attach it to the fridge in hopes of one day becoming the sort of person who does not have to run out of a thing before remembering to get more of it. I think in order to accomplish this I need to get one of those magnetic list pads, maybe one of those snarky ones from urban outfitters that say things like SHIT I NEED TO REMEMBER or something else equally hard core. Nothing says fuck you to the man like cursing all over an appliance. I keep wasting paper from my bon bon on the go go notebook, the notebook leftover from atlanta that I can't lose even if I try, the notebook that contains half an alphabetical short story, half of my friends' addresses and half lists of things I had already run out of:
"stamps, hangers, hair bands(?)"
"ice cream, biscuits, toilet paper"
"boxes, superglue, shoe inserts"
"hair towel, shelving, av cord adapter"
"six pack of coca cola, camel turkish golds" neither of which i consume, strangely enough
"charles darwin, marie curie, napoleon bonaparte". hm..
I've been having lucid dreams that I am depressed to the point of catatonia. People are yelling things at me, people are saying you have to do this and that, I know I have things I need to do but I can hardly move. I have been falling asleep with the television on. It always has something to do with the television being on.
Here's another list:
"stop falling asleep with the television on, make more lists"
As soon as the dryer is finished doing the one thing that god put it on earth to do* I will go to the gym and then run various other errands. It's three forty six, it will be dark in an hour.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Posted by dehumidifier at Saturday, November 25, 2006