Friday, November 17, 2006

In the year 9595, a race of deformed turkey was genetically developed by chicken scientists as revenge against his bird brother. These turkeys would exit the womb doused in gravy; gravy filled with the giblets...from a monkey.

The French craved it and as a result, Turkey became the only food source for France...which is now called RoboFrance29. I was later killed by the chickens. So, of course, you can see why I'm angry at those chickens.
Months and months ago I came upon your neighbor taking the form of the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future. But I didn't realize he was an agent; a chicken in disguise. Sent from the year 19.. Sent from the year 19...

From there, they had evolved...big time. From beyond feathers, their beaks had softened and they had acquired synthetic intelligence and appendages from the chicken black market from beyond the moon!

Enjoy those tacos now, for in a thousand years, they will be illegal. Hahaha...I think we all know why. Anti-taco legislation! Disestablishmentarianism!

happy impending holiday from turkitron.