Monday, May 09, 2005

appendectomize this- a three parter in three parts, actually six.

1. I just realized that there are almost as many charlotte* (or former charlotte, as the case may be) people on my livejournal friends list- yeah i know i am alienating you blog folk but hey jump on the LJ bandwagon and you too can vent like the angsty jailbait living inside us all- as there are atlantans. Which in turn made me realize:
I need to get out of lagrange now and right now. Because seriously why the hell am I staring at my friends list has it really come to this.

2. But not without first stopping at what my father calls "that bastion of capitalism": Wal-Mart. Meaning to say that Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are my new favorite clothing designers, and I got a swimsuit for twelve bucks. Yeah that's right I bought a swimsuit and there might be pictures IF YOU'RE LUCKY.**

3. "IJ" Update***

*I have never been to charlotte but they seem to like me sight unseen so it must be the best goddamn place on earth. That said, I have no plans to visit, ever.

**I am so pale it verges on transparency, and therefore do not show up on some cameras.

***I have taken to reading the appendix and whenever something sounds interesting, finding that page and reading until I lose interest. I think it actually makes more sense this way, or less sense, or maybe it has no effect whatsoever. Definitely one or the other. Or the other. Oh, and also for some reason I keep picturing mcparris as one of the main characters which is really fucking disconcerting. Must be all the tennis. Must be.