Monday, October 16, 2006

I have a feeling that this new coffee service is going to taste like hospital coffee. It smells like hospital coffee.
This morning I half awoke to dreaming lucid about the death of cbgb and five hundred hot air balloons crashing over the arizona desert. Channel thirteen action news predicts! It stormed this weekend. It never storms here. It was full blown too, the lightning here is severe. I watched a lot of television on dvd. Saying "I am going to take a shower and by the time I get out you will be gone" does not work in real life. Oh how I wished that worked in real life.
Speaking of super powers, have you ever seen Stephen Merritt and Slash in the same room at the same time? No, and you won't. Because Slash is actually the action hero version of Stephen Merritt. Or the other way around. Definitely one or the other.
In an alternate universe, MSTRKRFT is known as AEAA.

Yes, this coffee definitely tastes like hospital coffee.