Sunday, January 06, 2008

83% Mike Gravel
83% Barack Obama
82% Dennis Kucinich
81% John Edwards
78% Hillary Clinton
77% Bill Richardson
75% Chris Dodd
75% Joe Biden
46% Rudy Giuliani
36% John McCain
30% Mitt Romney
28% Mike Huckabee
24% Ron Paul
19% Tom Tancredo
17% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

If you haven't seen the Mike Gravel ads, look them up on youtube. They are something else, lemme tell ya. I've been wearing pyjamzz all day. It's giving me phantom depression pains, as though there must be a reason I haven't changed clothes beyond the fact that I just don't feel like messing up a pair of clothes when I have zero plans to leave the house. (there isn't)
Oh! And I've been watching The O.C. (don't call it that) all day. I had never seen it, so I'm still in season one via netflix. So much better than Gossip Girl. These are exciting times, my friends. Exciting times.