Bush In 30 Seconds.
Check out the panel of celebrity judges. Do you think they all have to meet in one big room to judge these? If so, I bet it would go down something like this:
Moby gets really pissed and goes on a hunger strike because Al Franken keeps accidently calling him Michael Stipe. Jack Black tries to break the tension with a song. Eddie Vedder starts beating up on Jack Black a little for being annoying. Chaos erupts. Moby eventually dies of starvation and Michael Moore releases a documentary on the whole incident, the liberal slant on a roomful of liberals actually going so far it surpasses liberalism and is seen as extremely right-wing. Meanwhile, in the corner, James Carville enjoys a taco.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Wednesday, January 07, 2004