Sunday, August 22, 2004

"C'mon that's pretty golden, no?"
"It's rip 'where am I' torn."
"Rip 'approves' torn."
"Rip '80% of me agrees' torn."
"Rip 'Steve' Torn"
"I can keep going all day. Seriously you have to stop me."
"Rip 'Fractured' Torn."
"'Rip 'my parents were high' torn."
"Rip 'V.I. Lenin' Torn."
"Rip 'Check Out My Supremacy' Torn."
"Rip 'Photoshopped' Torn."
"Rip 'ository' Torn."
"Ok - stop."

And yet the parenthetical remains strangely absent from the poster.