Thursday, October 07, 2004

It's 8:45 pm, and I am still at work, revising scripts. I think partially as a result of this late working hour, and partially due to the margaritas they're handing out in the studio, I am becoming increasingly susceptable to distraction from my task at hand.

For instance, I just made up one of those stupid "blog" terms (like blogosphere, blogastroenteritis, etc.). Cause it's the thing to do when you are trying to do something else!

"Defenestration of Blog": When you throw your blog out the widow due to misconduct or general suckiness. It helps if your blog is of noble descent.
(If you have no idea what this references perhaps you had better brush up on your European History, more specifically "Thirty Years War, causes of".)

Here, someone taste this margarita and tell me if it has any alcohol in it. Cause I don't think it does.
I'm gonna have five more to make sure.