Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Trash this blog and win some dough.

Today is sort of blah.
Grey weather. Black shirt. Lunch sandwich. Blah.
Not enough is going on around here.
I need something to cheer me up.


Oh wait, I know.

Wait for it...wait for it...

It's the Toy Store Room from the classic Nickelodeon game show Finder's Keepers!

Oh yeah that's better. (sitting back, relaxing, bored again.)

I miss when all it took was television to entertain me. Were that the case nowadays I would probably have cable.
Television today needs less game shows based on singing and dancing competitions and more based on the premise of tearing shit up and getting all messy just for the hell of it.

Next time someone comments on my messy desk I'm going to tell them that there is a series of clues hidden beneath all the paperwork and if they could find all eight then they win a mountain bike.