Sunday, March 27, 2005

similes, smilies, simians, similar (italicized, yep)

It is Saturday night, I am spending Saturday night with an internet, must be the storm that already sent one of my lighters to a watery grave. Must be.
Last night I was the type of girl who would pee in front of a boy but not go home with one cause: basically let's face it going home with a boy does little to expedite the bathroom line. Oh man I just remembered there was a bottle of crisco oil in the bathroom totally without context not even the faint smell of fried shampoo and also that I was trying to remember what it was called when you see some stripes from far away and the stripes start to fuck with your eyes like sun on midday pavement. And also something with rami about not gurus but what? My night= a series of unanswered questions.
I drove some people home two of whom were named erin and on the way to my car I said "help I am being followed by a gang of erins" and I thought it was hilarious but no one else did, this is probably why I do not go home with boys it's all becoming so clear like hindsight on a windex kick. And then brian played traffic director to my thirty six point turn.
Oh, and pics.

(It's really fucking funny when scene kid 1 is wearing white with black stripes and scene kid 2 is wearing black with white stripes and then they stand next to each other and then you find yourself referencing "the english patient". Because who references that it would be like pointing out that the theme song from "bosom buddies" sounds familiar in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with tom hanks.)