I was just given copies of the illustrious publications YM, Twist and J-14.
Girls youth market prepaid ads...and since I am the only female writer in the department, I get the job by default. Because I am nothing if not in-touch with the youth of today.
According to the covers I am about to learn the following things:
Summer Date Do's and Don'ts (dating? what's that?)
How to look sexier in jeans. (um, this is aimed at girls HOW OLD?)
Primping my ride...(by the time I had a car I was subscribing to The New Yorker, not YM)
That Avril "is no fake." (at sucking)
That the youth of today refer to Orlando Bloom as "Orly." (as I shall from now on in any future encounters.)
Ok I'm off to see The Stepford Wives. And I'm off!
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Thursday, June 24, 2004