My wallet's gone! My wallet's gone! What do you suppose the odds are, if I did indeed leave it on Marta, that someone actually took it to lost and found? Probably pretty slim. I called and they said it would take 2-3 days to know if someone actually returned it.
I would have more faith in humanity if humanity actually deserved it.
On the plus side o the spectrum, I gots me a Saab!
It's so nice to drive a car in which everything works.
If I don't find my wallet I have to go BACK to the DMV...because I guess that hour wait in line last week just wasn't enough for them.
I think I might have overdone it a bit on Saturday night, as yesterday I threw up the first thing I'd eaten in two days.
Unicycling poodles are the ones who ride for us all.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Tuesday, June 22, 2004