(bobble told me to write a record review and i said send me a song)
Artist: b o b b l e
Title: Woolite
This record (or track, rather) is (for some reason) titled "Woolite." It is not fabric sofener. It is music that uses all seven notes (A-G) in a variety of manifestations. But trust me, they are all there. If I told you what order they were in it would ruin the surprise for you. This music is the kind of music that makes me want to collect some plant life. And then divide all my plant life into "flora" and "fauna." And then further break down these two categories into smaller subcategories, noting the biological nomenclature of each. Except I do not know any biological nomenclature, so I would just be making shit up- like "Branchicus leafae" or "Flowerius shrubbae." I would also want to look into performing photosynthesis. I would wear a beret and insist on being referred to as the "Jacques Cousteau of the Plant World." By then the song would be long over and I would have accomplished nothing of note.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Saturday, July 17, 2004