I have returneth from NYC. I am exhausted. Thanks to eastern seaboard stormfest 2004, my flight didn't get in 'til 3am. Luckily I was well entertained at LaGuardia thanks to the likes of THK at the 'Crat Convention- which was getting prime airtime at Gate 2.
Oh and on the way back from the airport I got pulled over for supposedly running a stopsign (turning right into the Krog Street Tunnel). Which was complete bullshit, because even though I know I stopped there was nothing I could say to defend myself. I'm pretty sure it was just a ruse to look for drunk drivers, though, because he let me go, sans ticket, before I could even find my registration.
But still. The real irony is that I'm always criticizing people for the inablility to correctly follow 4-way stopping rules. Where are the cops then?
Bullshit, I'm calling bullshit.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Posted by dehumidifier at Wednesday, July 28, 2004