The internet is where all the trouble starts.
All the trouble starts here and ends here because it is not real, it is a self-contained world seperate from the way we behave in real life. The internet is numbers and real life is absurdity. If you ever get confused just repeat it like shampoo- internet: numbers, real life: sandwich platters.
I will now go to the parking deck to mull over a cigarette. I might stop and visit the newstand guy who will give you a bag no matter how tiny your purchase, seperate bags for every piece of gum, I wonder if he owns stock in bags or it is just a cultural thing. I sometimes refer to him as "silent friend". This nickname barely makes sense anymore, yet I continue to use it...I am going to mull that over too.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Posted by dehumidifier at Wednesday, February 23, 2005