Sunday, February 27, 2005

Oversaturated nautical socks drinking wine in a conservatory: I am blogging.

I am staring at a blank entry box with that feeling in the pit of my stomach like a Saturday hangover at the SATs. Halfway throught the first word problem and I am already lost, did Beckett write these or am I only imagining the underlying insignificance of this angle or that, trees and trains and such and my head pounds second one, second two, second three, second catorce...
Last night I arrived too late for a fashion show but just in time to down more than enough five dollar glasses of wine, more than enough to make me think fuck all this shit, to make me secretly pout outside over a cigarette and some Lite FM and I don't even remember why.
Oh I almost forgot the most important portion of the night: Rippy was wearing a turtleneck, he looked as if he were about to inheret a fortune! Some time later I asked Todd if Rippy left and he said "Yes and he said to tell no one that he left!" which only someone donning a turtleneck and holding a goblet of wine would say. I bet he retreated to his conservatory, I bet he has a conservatory. One would think!
I cannot french inhale. I just can't.
Last night I had another one of those oversaturated dreams starring one michael stipe, blues and greens, we were making art and my subconcious car broke down in a parking lot and I did not even care because I was making art with michael stipe and it was (as thom yorke might title a song) a "nice dream". Saturated stipe dreams, oversaturate me, saturate me later.

Today I went to Target, I bet a lot of people can say the very same thing about today. Today I was remarkably unoriginal, today I went to Target and then ate a bit of macaroni and cheese. I silently complained about not being able to find small sizes in anything but it was sort of like complaining about having too much money for your wallet, the kind of complaining that makes us want to throw things at the reality television. I bought nautical socks what do you think of that! (I think "jaunty".)

I just wrote about socks and my dream because I am trying to stay away from the unpleasantries brewing under the mundane. I don't want to be overdramatic, today is garden variety, neverending weather and watching time pass, time pacifists, yes.