Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Things I have done so far today under the label "Procrastination"

Used photoshop to make a Jal-beacon and a picture of Kenny Rogers thinking about chicken.
Updated my interests on the ol' livejournal profile.
Made my browser bookmarks more "user-friendly".
Searched for the lyrics to Radiohead's "Creep".
Looked in thesaurus for synonyms to: occasionally, syntax.
Basked in my own glow of awesomnity.
Stared in horror at the following image:


In other news, I am so glad that CNN ran this story. I do not know how I have managed to live so far without such knowledge as: With the exception of his supporting role in 1992's "My Cousin Vinny," Macchio hasn't been in a high-profile movie since the "Karate Kid" era. Daniel LaRusso continues to be the role he's most closely identified with.

Very wise, CNN-san. Very wise.