Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ok, so I did this over on livejournal in response to one of those meme things that gets posted incessantly (haiku meme to be exact, yeah I know)- I spent so much time on the html that I decided to go ahead and post it here too.

Damn I am good at wasting time. Anyways:

Another Fucking Haiku!
Your name:crab_stories
Your haiku:rammed in the crab
and the user never takes
it out to dinner
Created by Grahame

oh and ok just to save everyone time...

Look It's Insta-Villanelle!
Your name:crab_stories
Here It Is:get a life people its this these crabs today
with a surprise a hermit crab i named her
the crab abuser did not pinch did they
marshy was super pissed and clawed his way
to ever log table time in the crab abuser
get a life people its this these crabs today
three of the crabs at the adults table during a
play in the rules to tell the gender
the crab abuser did not pinch did they
the devil without crabs there would be no old bay
they eventually crawled out of the lecture
get a life people its this these crabs today
crabs crab crab p.s crab crabs have been made
people get a fucking of seasonings to ever
the crab abuser did not pinch did they
butthead of this blood will show you how to play
but super rare breed rather peculiar
get a life people its this these crabs today
the crab abuser did not pinch did they
Created by Grahame

and even though it's not technically a poetic form, lets meme the hell out of beat poetry ok:

Free Verse On The Freeverse Freeway!
Your name:crab_stories
Part 1:She said that she had put josephine outside-
in her cage outside
night during a storm barefoot mind you and all
made clicking noises at me and all
lifted their legs and all changed shells
right in front of me and all of sudden i saw
Part 2:what chunk of flesh out of her shell in pure daylight? crab!
crab! that you bite right through it fry it up and stick
in the butt in a tree stand as he was smoking,
Part 3:we to this talk about crabs!
i don't want to name names here
But what devil at the old bay get a fucking of seasonings?
But what pinches fifty hermits across belize snorkeling across belize?
such vast crab, crab she'll call crab.
Created by Grahame

And yet somehow computer-generated haikus are still better than 99.9% of the poems spewed forth by livejournal users...oh I guess it's cause computers feel no pain, and livejournal poets feel nothing but. Yeah, that's it.